➠ Result by Tuesday

Date Draw 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Starter Consol
2023-09-26 1182 4875 7253 8054 4341 7883
2023-09-19 1175 6078 8029 3783 9013
2023-09-12 1167 8350 9306 7319 9097 9389
2023-09-05 1160 6135 3694 8987 3749 3252
2023-08-29 1153 1764 0512 5822 9533 3948
2023-08-22 1146 5192 5747 0019 8116 3521
2023-08-15 1139 7915 1544 5902 9322 3570
2023-08-08 1132 0659 5277
2023-08-01 1124 2581 8440 2310 4371 9847
2023-07-25 1117 3548 2135 9186 4599 1270


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