➠ Result by Saturday

Date Draw 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize Starter Consol
2023-08-12 1136 4912 5271 7518 4108 1008
2023-08-05 1129 6329 8052 8917 8845 1771
2023-07-29 1121 9546 2091 0679
2023-07-22 1113 1806 3247 6988 7232 6391
2023-07-15 1106 8543 0215 0002 3265 2109
2023-07-08 1099 4585 8528 2702 2415 8736
2023-07-01 1091 6928 4000 8165 8773 0419
2023-06-24 1083 9461 7290 5712 0424 8802
2023-06-17 1077 6812 1101 6463 7072 2967
2023-06-10 1069 9782 2524 7622 6156 5136


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